Nutrition Starter Package

Clean up your diet.
Restore comfort to your digestive system.
Feel more energy and enthusiasm for life.
Glow from the inside.

About this package

Good nutrition assists with many health conditions and can bring about enormous shifts in mental health too.

The Nutrition Starter Package includes:

•  90-minute introductory session  
•  Individually designed nutrition and lifestyle plan  
•  45-minute follow-up session.

This will get you off to a great start in making changes to your health.

To help you meet your long-term goals, you may also choose the continued support of a Nutrition Stay on Track Package. 

Lisa Fabry

Joan Carpenter

The Farm for Wellbeing

Lisa's wealth of knowledge about nutrition, wellness and yummy food, mixed with her great sense of humour made her a pleasure to work with!


Nutrition Starter Package

$295 AUD

    • 1 x 90-minute initial consultation
    • Individual Treatment Plan
    • 1 x 45-minute follow-up
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